Courses Available

Please watch some, or watch all

  • 1

    Trauma in the Sector Part 1

    • Trauma in the Sector - Part 1

    • Trauma in the Sector - Part 2

  • 2

    Substance Use Awareness & Safety Training

    • Substance Use Awareness & Safety Training

  • 3

    When Caring Hurts, Vicarious Trauma

    • Vicarious Trauma

  • 4

    Effective Workplace Boundaries

    • Effective Workplace Boundaries

  • 5

    Conflict, Communication and Listening

    • Conflict, Communication and Listening

  • 6

    Understanding and Managing Aggressive Behaviours

    • Understanding and Managing Aggressive Behaviours

  • 7

    Cultural Competency

    • Cultural Competency - Understanding Indigenous Historical Influences

  • 8

    Psychological First Aid

    • Psychological First Aid

  • 9

    Managing High Stress Situations

    • Managing High Stress Situations

  • 10

    Harm Reduction

    • Harm Reduction as Underpinning Philosophy

    • Harm Reduction - Everyday Applications Opportunities

  • 11

    Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault

    • Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault